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Hari Prasad
Gives You Financial Education &Training.
We Provide Work From Home & Low Investment Business Opportunities.

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In these hard times, I think it is important we all contribute to the community.

Work From Home

Earn Weekly ₹30,000/-

Earn Monthly ₹1,20,000/-

"మీ భవిష్యత్ అవసరాల కోసం డబ్బు చిట్టీల రూపంలో SREE KARAYIL CHITS (INDIA) Ltd (PUBLIC Ltd Company) లో దాచుకోండి ఇంకో ఇద్దరికీ దాచుకోమని చెప్పండి, అలా చెప్పడం ద్వారా unlimited డబ్బు సంపాదించండి"

Regulated By Central Government Chit Fund Act 1982


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More Details about SKCIL

1-- The 1st & only Public Limited Company in the entire industry in India.

2-- SKCIL is regulated by the central laws of Govt. of India

3-- This is not an MLM, Direct selling, investment or insurance plan

4-- Zero investment, Zero Liability and Zero risk.

5-- Registrar of Chits is the regulator of chits appointed by the respective state govt. under section 61 of the Chit fund Act.

6-- Money Circulation and Prize Chits are banned in India as per PCMC Banning Act, 1978.

7-- An 8yrs old company with no complaints or charges against it since incorporation.

8-- Opportunity to earn unlimited passive income for the generations to come.

9-- Weekly saving, weekly earning, performance bonus, rewards, recognition and free trips.

10-- Opportunity to buy shares of the company.

11-- Opportunity to become a director in the company's board.

12-- Founder Mr Rajan Karayil is a visionary person with more than four-decade of experience in the industry.

13-- Chit Fund Companies are NBFCs but they have been exempted from the requirement of registration under Section 45-IA of RBI Act, 1934.

14-- NBFC committing a breach of law are liable for action under RBI Act, 1934.

15-- Apart from market intelligence, industry source, complaint received from affected parties, NBFC's Auditor's Report, SLCC has been formed to check the fraud/scam in NBFCs.

16-- SLCC (State Level Co-ordination Committee) is chaired by Chief Secretary or concerned state/UT are convened by RBI every quarter (www.rbi.org.in Para 44 in FAQs on NBFC)

17-- Members of SLCC as per RBI are: (i) Regional Director of MCA/ROC, (ii) Local units of SEBI, NHB and ICAI, (iii) Registrar of Chits (iv) Economic intelligence unit of state police and (v) Officials from Law and Home Ministres of the State Government.

18-- RBI has prohibited Chit Fund Companies from accepting deposits from the public in 2009. In case any Chit Fund Companies accepting deposits, RBI can prosecute such Chit Fund Companies. (refer para no. 71 in FAQs on NBFC, www.rbi.gov.in)

19-- Accepting money under money circulation or pyramid or multi-level marketing structure is a cognizable offence under PCMC Banning Act, 1978.

20-- Chit Fund is regulated in India, please don't compare Chit Fund with Ponzi, Pyramid, Money Circulation, Prize Chit, Collective Investment Scheme(CIS) or OFCD. (optionally fully convertible debenture practised by Sahara is illegal by SEBI) Cryptocurrency is also not regulated in India.

21-- Only 5% is the foreman commission charged by the SKCIL as per the Chit Fund Act, 1982. SKCIL uses this 5% for the company's expenses, profits, weekly commissions, performance incentives, rewards and free trips to agents from this commission.

22-- All the income is fully taxpaid. GST on Chits, TDS on weekly commission is deducted. SKCIL provides Form-16A also.

23-- Anyone who is an Indian aged 18 years and above can start his/her own chit and become a CHITPRENEUR to earn unlimited tax paid income.

24-- Flexibility Chit Function, Flexibility Timing, No products to buy-sell-demo, No weekly or monthly targets, No Lapses, No renewal fees, No re-investment, stocking, No losses, Part-time can work, One time saving of Rs.2000/- only and Rs.200/- as lifetime registration charges. Commission based on Agents Development Program.

25. Last but not least. Team Leadership Factory Education System gives you the professional training to master legal & technical skills through participation, workshops and training on Daily Basis.

Absolutely free of cost course, LC21(a 21-day leadership course) for all the beginners. For more information in the form of video and documents

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